We recognise the importance of delivering high quality religious education to ensure our children are national and global citizens of the future that integrate and engage fully into our multi-religious and multi-secular society. We aim to challenge our children intellectually and spiritually and to ensure our children leave Mere Green celebrating and understanding differing religious beliefs. We also ensure our children respect the importance of faith in shaping our culture and the values, traditions and behaviours that permeate through our society.
Throughout a child’s journey at Mere Green, children are exposed to all major religions and have opportunities to study facets of each religion in depth. Our children learn about either the different beliefs, teachings, practices and key events of all major religions. Substantive knowledge is built upon to ensure a clear progression of knowledge is acquired while children too learn how theories and knowledge of religions have come about, and are given opportunities to analyse and critique the reliability of the sources they are exposed to. Knowledge is regularly revisited through spaced retrieval to ensure learning is embedded and misconceptions are addressed. We also encourage our children to make links within their knowledge and apply their knowledge to a range of learning opportunities.
We value the importance of RE giving our children an opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs and to listen and discuss the beliefs and practices of their peers. We also build into our curriculum the opportunity to visit a range of places of worship to ensure our children are able to build on and contextualise their learning in class, celebrating the rich diversity of our society. Through these experiences and more, children will have the opportunity to amass a breadth of substantive knowledge, to apply their evaluation and critical thinking skills in relations to their enquiry question and to reflect personally on the concept or the underlying subject matter of the enquiry.
Delivering the Birmingham locally agreed syllabus, children at Mere Green will leave school being able to demonstrate dispositions such as: Being thankful, reflective, curious and honest.