
‘Making a difference’ in the development of the whole child is our key priority. 

We want our pupils to feel happy, safe and supported to achieve their optimal potential in all areas of life. We are passionate about removing barriers to learning, to foster self belief and equip each child with the skills and strategies to enable future personal success. Our approach is underpinned by the school values, ensuring that children are equipped to thrive in lifecontribute to the wider world and develop their own mental strength.   

Our pastoral team includes learning mentors and pastoral assistants. All of the team members play a vital role in supporting the emotional wellbeing and behaviour for learning needs of our pupils.

The Pastoral team work closely with the SENDCO and SEND Practioner to ensure a truly inclusive and supportive environment for all learners.

When issues arise, and through consultation with the parents and child, personalised support plans and implemented quickly in a sensitive, caring manner. Support may include: 1:1 sessions, support within the classroom, interventions outside of the classroom, small group work, nurture groups and access to external agencies and support.

Our aim is always to put the child firsthear the child’s’ voice and ensure the best outcomes for the child.

If you have any concerns or queries then please contact the Pastoral Team:

 0121 308 1384.

Useful Services

Emotional Wellbeing 

PAUSE – Birmingham based –  020 7841 44

Every mind Matters – NHS –

Young minds – London based charity – 0808 802 5544.

Action For Children –

Cherished  -Sutton based charity for girls confidence and self- esteem.


Edwards Trust   – 0121 454 1705

Beyond The Horizon –  0121 444 5454

Cruse   –    Hope Again  0121 444 5454

Winstons Wish   –  08088 020 021

Child Bereavement UK


Helpline: 08000288840


Young Minds –

Gingerbread   – 0808 800 2222

Relate –