At Mere Green Primary School we are proud to make a difference to all of our children.
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which offers pupils the opportunity to grow as learners and as individuals, regardless of their background.
We offer a highly ambitious knowledge engaged curriculum, that is built on the principles of cognitive science. Reading is at the forefront of our curriculum as we appreciate that reading is the gateway to future success.
We aim for children to enjoy their learning and to become lifelong learners. We want them to thrive and be prepared for the next stage in their journey. Children will be able to communicate and collaborate effectively, and be well regulated, enabling them to contribute to society. We will provide opportunities for children to develop their mental strength; developing high levels of positivity and resilience when faced with challenges or adversity.
Working Collaboratively
Through quality circles of professionals, who are experts in their fields, medium and long-term plans have been created to support the implementation of the curriculum. Subject leadership teams at school level collaborate to ensure that learning is linked to our cultural capital and the local context of Mere Green.
Cognitive Science
The long-term plan and medium-term plans have been coherently sequenced to ensure that the principles of how children learn are embedded and exploited through teaching opportunities. Learning snapshots have been created to ensure they support this cognitive approach (see 5 pillars below).
Applying Knowledge
Prior learning is clearly identified and developed through progressive planning which ensures and promotes deep understanding. This can be seen across all curriculum areas, within year groups and phases. Opportunities for application of knowledge through retrieval are regular to build strong schema.