The aim of physical education at Mere Green Primary School is to enable all pupils to work towards becoming independently active within school and the community. It is essential that our children experience high levels of enjoyment when undertaking and performing a range of activities, thus promoting a love for physical activity beyond the classroom, that will take them into adulthood.
Through planning and delivering an ambitious and well sequenced curriculum, our children develop both the competence and confidence in performing physical skills (which are revisited and built on systematically), enabling them to experience success throughout their PE journey.
To further promote a love of physical activity, we have planned our PE curriculum to coincide with extra curricular sporting opportunities that run within our local community. Children of all ages and abilities will have the opportunity to represent school which adds both an intrinsic motivation and provides a clear audience and purpose for the different skills they are honing. We also recognise the value of these events in building our children’s character and embedding the values of respect and fairness. In addition, children across school are empowered by our active Sports’ Council, where their voice is heard and acted upon to continually improve PE provision across school.
Alongside developing lifelong healthy habits, we take care to teach children the vital role that physical activity has on maintaining a healthy body and healthy mind. As well as teaching our children the effects of exercise on the body, we also draw out how exercise can support our mental health too.
Within our curriculum, basic fundamental movement in prioritised. This is built purposely into the EYFS curriculum and is then further developed as children move through school. Through well planned units, children also develop their flexibility, their stamina and strength. They learn to value the contribution of others, work both independently and within a team, take charge to lead sporting activities ensuring all learners are engaged and develop the skill of thinking critically about their own performance, evaluating next steps to ensure they are making strong progress, no matter their starting point.