School Uniform

Mere Green Primary school believe that a school uniform plays a valuable role in creating a sense of identity and belonging, as well as contributing to the ethos of our school and promoting positive standards of appearance. A uniform also removes distractions, promotes equality and supports families and carers who experience financial hardship.

Parents/carers are expected to ensure that pupils wear the correct uniform when in attendance. Should you have any concerns about your ability to ensure this, then please share this with a member of staff who will signpost you to appropriate support.

School Uniform


  • Yellow polo shirt or plain yellow button up school shirt (school logo optional)
  • Green cardigan, sweatshirt or jumper (school logo optional)


  • Plain black or grey, regular fit school trousers
  • Plain black or grey tailored school shorts
  • Plain black or grey school skirt


  • Plain black or grey pinafore
  • Green summer dress


  • Plain black shoes (trainers are not permitted)

School Bags

  • Bags should be rucksack or satchel type, no larger than 25cm x 25cm suitable for carrying an iPad and reading book.
  • Pencil cases are not permitted.


  • Single plain stud earrings are permitted – these must be removed or taped for PE
  • A watch
  • Plain headbands
  • No other jewellery is permitted

PE Kit:

Children should attend school wearing PE kit on their designated PE days


  • Green short sleeved t-shirt branded with the school logo
  • Plain black hoodie (school logo optional) advised for colder months


  • Black jogging bottoms, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
  • Black shorts


  • Trainers or black pumps


  • Long hair must be tied back
  • Stud earrings to be removed or taped
  • Watches to be removed

Personal belongings are not permitted in school.

The school will consider individual variations to uniform where reasonable. Requests for adjustments to uniform shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the headteacher and should be raised as a concern in accordance with the ATLP Complaints Policy’ in accordance with ATLP Uniform policy (EDI considerations).


Our school colours are available from most major high street stores and supermarkets. Our branded uniform with the Mere Green Logo is supplied by:

A selection of Pre-loved uniform is available to purchase from school. If you would like to purchase pre-loved uniform, please email or speak to a member of staff.