Children’s University
Our children at Mere Green are amongst thousands of young people across the West Midlands who are being offered a chance to ‘graduate’ in Birmingham University’s Great Hall – thanks to Children’s University, a scheme that promotes learning outside the classroom.
By using Children’s University, we aim to engage, inspire, and help children to reach their full potential as rounded individuals through participating in extracurricular learning. As our children continue to learn from and engage in extra curricula activities, the sessions and hours accrued will be tracked through a unique ‘Passport to Learning’, in order to recognise and celebrate each child’s individual achievements.
Through promoting our own school enrichment timetable and encouraging children to attend a range of sessions in their locality, we are encouraging children to reach their full potential. Many soft skills are developed away from the four walls of a classroom environment and these are skills that we, at Mere Green, want to actively promote. Skills such as collaboration, creativity, problem solving, communication, leadership, staying positive and so much more.
Furthermore, as cited in the Social Mobility Commission ‘An Unequal Playing Field: Extra-Curricular Activities, Soft Skills and Social Mobility’, “extra curricular activities give young people the confidence to also extend their social networks beyond existing friendship groups.” In addition, there is significant research that indicates that children who attend extra curricular activities, especially in Music and Sport, are more likely to remain in education after compulsory schooling and secure better educational outcomes.
To ensure our children are best equipped to thrive in the job market in Mere Green, Birmingham and beyond, then we must ensure they secure excellent educational outcomes and encourage as many children to remain in education past the compulsory age. Alongside our ambitious curriculum, the participation in extracurricular clubs, is another important cog to ensure our children become active citizens for the future.